Colors of Syria

Colors of Syria

page in French

Exhibition, Nuits d'Orient, Dijon, 2016

Syria map 2016
Map by M.-C. F.-S. and T.M., 2016, 2020. Sources : Syrian official map + war situation by Science & Avenir 2016.

Syria sources:

  • Photographs : Marie-Chantal FRERE-SAUTOT
  • Other sources : given at the bottom of each concerned image
  • Graphism : Teorg MAELBERGS
  • First exhibition in Dijon (France) in the festival Les Nuits d'Orient, with the help of the city, 2016.
  • Acces to Dijon here:

Photographs of Marie-Chantal Frère-Sautot.

For a long time, Syria navigates as a ship without captain whose successive crews fight by decimating the passengers, with in hold the load contaminated by the history. Therefore, the road of the vessel which crosses a new storm, terrible for the Syrians, is uncertain. However, Syria is not a particular case, it is only a sample - temporarily very visible: one moment of break - of the competition between peoples. Competition settled by the time mechanics. Mechanics which customs all the balances - social and mineral -. The archaeologists that we are let us have to restore by the mind and for the thought the gearings and the transmission systems of the historic machine buried at the bottom by the torrent of the centuries. Today we are confined in positions of remote witnesses. As well as our colleagues the historians, the art historians and all the intellectuals interested in the inheritance of the history. We are thus almost absent in Syria, besides in the Middle East, in Afghanistan, in Egypt, etc. Here we are thus forced to the inactivity, the ground favorable to the emotion. Reader, does not deceive you at this point, we are not only sensitive in the old pebbles: the stone was shaped at first by the wind then by the man. We have the breath of the wind in charge of erosive dusts in the skin, the fury of the river which mutters in our musing, the rumor and the sweat of the builders in our questionings. Of those who live, suffer, fight today, we cannot separate these others there who cut these stones, set up these monuments, begged at the foot of them imagining heavens very complicated so much they were virgin of science. The space and the antique, former or modern architecture associated to the feeling of the passage of time, are the main sources of inspiration to conceive and draw - we cannot either tell "to paint" or tell "to draw" - these boards. The questioning on what hides behind the visible or the apparently obvious is the subject of every image. Including moreover in scientific articles of the author. The war and the destructions of the former(old) sites are necessarily present in this theme of the Middle East, but these facts are rather suggested than clearly shown. In brief, every « picture » or board, rather surrealist or abstract, tells a story, the whole set being supposed to tell a part of history. T.M. 11/2016.

1008 - A Day in Damas, original fromat 300 dpi 900 x 900 mm.
Photograph: Marie-Chantal Frère-Sautot (MCFS), graphism: Teorg Maelbergs (T.M.) 2016-2020.

1002 - Zenobia Hotel,
original format 1200 x 790 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1015 - Marga, original format 900 x 900 mm.
Images sources MCFS and web, T.M. 2016.

1012 - Just before now,
original format 1200 x 750 mm.
Image sources MCFS and web, T.M. 2016.

1027 - Yesterday and now,
original format 750 x 750 mm.
Images sources MCFS and web, T.M. 2016.

1020 - Reliving Syria,
original format 900 x 750 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1367 - Reliving Syria, detail,
original format 450 x 300 mm
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1004 - Abundance in the desert,
original format 900 x 900 mm.
Image source Frédéric Abbes, T.M. 2016.

1017 - Olive tree in the battle,
original format 900 x 600 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1026 - Too much stones,
original formatg 900 x 600 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1013 - Armen Maslumian,inhabitant in Aleppo,
original format 900 x 600 mm.
Sources MCFS and web, T.M. 2016..

2140 - Remember Armen Mazlumian and his dog,
original format 900 x 600 mm.
Sources web, T.M. 2016.

1003 - 11000 yars in Jerf El Ahmar,
original format 900 x 600 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1019 - Prayer in Deir Mar Mussa,
original format 1000 x 750 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1016 - Murder near Deir Mar Mussa,
original format 1200 x 900 mm.
Image source MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1024 - The door (Apamea),
original format 900 x 675 mm.
Images sources MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1025 - The path (Apamea),
original format 900 x 675 mm.
Images sources MCFS, T.M. 2016.

1005 - After a long battle,
original format 1200 x 900 mm.
Sources web, T.M. 2016.

1147 - After a second battle,
original format 1200 x 900 mm.
Sources: web, T.M. 2017.

1010 - Break at Al Safa,
_original format 900 x 900 mm.__
Sources web, T.M. 2016.

end of theme Syria.

Universal communion Syria photographies