
Dole (Jura, France)

After the dark years of the Second World War, the town of Dole, a sub-prefecture, was confined in the greyness of its washed-out walls. Nevertheless well placed on the Main Road 5 between Paris and Geneva, the city sheltered two well known hotels one, Chandioux hotel and « Hotel de la Cloche ». But the narrow streets which led to both high schools, the one Republican and the other Catholic, showed a sad age. In fact, situated between Dijon and Besançon, Dole had difficulty in growing, the end-XXth century drift from the land preferring at first to enlarge these two other bigger cities. However the hour of Dole came, its past, its collegiate church, its business streets, were cleaned and made look younger. Its river port, on the Rhône-Rhine channel which goes along the Doubs river, is active and pleasant. Above the quays, houses hung on(collided) on the rock which supports the bell tower strengthened by the Renaissance, are an invitation to enter the town on foot, by alleys and staircase which lead to the market place. I saw this city as a high school student who knew nothing of what was destined to him. Then I traveled into it according to fast passages but I saw it growing and embellishing. And now, when I visit some erudite person - there is several in Dole - I take time to linger by trying to reconstruct my own souvenirs. The photos which follow here in the theme of Dole, deconstructed or not, are in charge of feelings of a young man of long ago who considered the city as the space of a vast solidarity. Solidarity between men and women, solidarity between the people and the architectures, the solidarity between the people and their work, the solidarity between the factory and the countryside. Of these dreams, some tracks are stil remain, suspended as a dewdrop at the tip of a willow leaf. Tracks I try to retain in the imaginary universe that you are going to browse now. Visit it with your soul.T.M. 2018/03/09.

1156 - A woman lost in the shopping district,
original format 900 x 650 mm, photograph T.M.

1157 - Behind the shutters,
original format 1000 x 500 mm, graphism T.M.

1158 - Boatman sun ahead,
original format 900 x 600 mm, photograph T.M.

1159 - By the time window,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1160 - Church window to Maria,
original format 900 x 750 mm, graphism T.M.

1161 - Collegiale 20090827,
original format 305 x 305 mm, graphism T.M.

1162 - Disorder,
original format 900 x 650 mm, graphism T.M.

1163 - Ego suadeo domus tua ad Deum,
original format 900 x 750 mm, graphism T.M.

1164 - From a bank to the other one,
original format 1000 x 600 mm, photograph T.M.

1165 - From Earth to Heaven,
original format 700 x 700 mm, graphism T.M.

1166 - Having no more home,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1167 - Hidden machine in the backyard,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1168 - Home near the petrol station,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1169 - Home suit home,
original format 900 x 600 mm, photograph T.M.

1170 - In spite of the fog,
original format 1200 x 650 mm, graphism T.M.

1171 - Innovia,
original format 1000 x 650 mm, graphism T.M.

1172 - Iron sheets for a dream,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1173 - Jump over my own time,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1174 - Just before the spring in the night,
original format 1000 x 750 mm, graphism T.M.

1175 - Just with you both,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1176 - Last dream in stones,
original format 900 x 500 mm, graphism T.M.

1177 - Mists on the city we visited,
original format 700 x 470 mm, graphism T.M.

1178 - Near midnight,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1179 - Near noon,
original format1000 x 650 mm, photograph T.M.

1180 - Near the old bridge,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1181 - Never go there for ever,
original format 1000 x 900 mm, graphism T.M.

1182 - No more defense near the bridge,
original format 1050 x 750 mm, photograph T.M.

1183 - Nothing to see here,
original format 800 x 300 mm, graphism T.M.

1184 - Now is now in stadium,
original format 1200 x 400 mm, graphism T.M.

1185 - Only some houses,
original format 1000 x 750 mm, graphism T.M.

1186 - Over there,
original format 1000 x 500 mm, photograph T.M.

1187 - Pilgrims come here,
original format 900 x 400 mm, graphism T.M.

1188 - Place without its flowers,
original format 900 x 450 mm, graphism T.M.

1189 - Strength,
original format 900 x 900 mm, graphism T.M.

1190 - Sunset colors in the wind,
original format 700 x 500 mm, graphism T.M.

1191 - The wheat or the bailiff,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1192 - The wheat or the bailiff later,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1193 - Wallpaper,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1194 - When the city rests,
original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.

1195 - Work place by the shop window,
original format 1000 x 550 mm, graphism T.M.

1196 - Workers in summer,
original format700 x 600 mm, photograph T.M.

1197 - A mirror for the church,
_original format 900 x 600 mm, graphism T.M.__

1198 - Apocalypse 1
1199 - Apocalypse panel 1
1200 - Apocalypse panel 2
1201 - Apocalypse panel 3
1202 - Apocalypse panel 4
1203 - Apocalypse panel 5
1204 - Apocalypse panel 6
1205 - Apocalypse panel 7
1206 - Apocalypse 3
1207 - Apocalypse 4

End of page Dole.

Little Jura things Villards-d'Héria (Jura, France)